Preparing our young people for a better future
When a young person reaches an age where it is deemed appropriate for their needs and level of comprehension, they will be enrolled onto the homes “Independence programme”. This programme is entirely tailored to the individual, which means if needed a young person can start this earlier than the expected 16 year milestone. This runs along their individual pathway plan and means they are better prepared for the real world by having the necessary skills and knowledge to be
self-sufficient and have an understanding of what support and resources are out there to better aid them. This covers areas such as; healthy relationships, safety, cooking, cleaning, washing, health care, budgeting, personal care, work/further education, benefits and bills.
This is isn’t exhaustive but highlights what the programme aims to deliver. It better prepares our young people to be able care for themselves and provides important information so they can be signposted to other services or resources should they need support in the future. We provide a high level of support and care for all our young people because we want our young people to be able to have complete autonomy over their lives and being able to provide that level of care and education now, means they can be more equipped when they become adults and have the same opportunities as everybody else to succeed in life.